Breeders Course
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Horses Entered
Horses Entered
Race Conditions
Race Conditions
Race condition horses born 2023
Race condition horses born 2022
Race condition horses born 2021
Race condition horses born 2020
Race condition horses born 2019
Race condition horses born 2018
Race condition horses born 2017
Race condition horses born 2016
Race condition horses born 2014
Race condition horses born 2015
Be a part of the future
Basic idea
Board of Directors
Share Holders
Yearling Sales 2016
Breeders Course races 2024
2 year old entries
1st Payment
2nd Payment
3rd Payment
3 year old entries
1st Payment
2nd Payment
3rd Payment
4 year old eligibles
Breeders Course races 2025
3 year old entries
1st Payment
2nd Payment
3rd Payment
Breeders Course eligibles
Foals of 2021
Foals of 2022
Races 2024, 4 years old - eligibles
Number of registrations:
Italy (39)
Easy di Girifalco (IT)
Eclipse As (IT)
Ecstasy (IT)
Elegance Bi (IT)
Eleonora Grif (IT)
Eleonora Wind (IT)
Elettra Bi (IT)
Elettra SLM (IT)
Eleven As (IT)
Eli Jet (IT)
Elisabeth Bar (IT)
Elisabeth Gar (IT)
Elite d'Arc (IT)
Elma Wise As (IT)
Emah Roc (IT)
Emma Jet (IT)
Enea Font (IT)
Enjoy Bi (IT)
Epsom As (IT)
Erik Jet (IT)
Ernesto Roc (IT)
Erodio (IT)
Eros Jet (IT)
Escape Wise L (IT)
Escobar Fi (IT)
Esmeralda Bez (IT)
Esperia CR (IT)
Esperia Font (IT)
Ester Degli Dei (IT)
ET Gar (IT)
Eta May Pal (IT)
Eteria (IT)
Europa (IT)
Everyday Bi (IT)
Everything Bi (IT)
Evita di Venere (IT)
Ewa Bi (IT)
Explosive Ris (IT)
Extreme Point (IT)
Finland (6)
Callela Ellen (FI)
Crazy For You (FI)
Icella (FI)
Lightning Stride (FI)
No Limit Giant (FI)
Quattro Ale (FI)
Denmark (5)
I Can Win Gardenia (DK)
Ice Cold Kent (DK)
Ice Pack (DK)
Igenogigen Og (DK)
Jigger (DK)
France (14)
Kadix (FR)
Kalmia Perrine (FR)
Kandy Life (FR)
Kassiopeja Face (FR)
Kerry Love (FR)
Killer Queen Sox (FR)
Kim Dark (FR)
Kinawa (FR)
Kind of Magic F.R. (FR)
King Gate (FR)
Kingpin (FR)
Kira Bo Face (FR)
Kool and the Gang (FR)
Kronos Smart (FR)
Germany (16)
Cincinnati Beach S (DE)
Daniel Hazelaar (DE)
In Motion (DE)
Jerome Hazelaar (DE)
King Hazelaar (DE)
La Lune (DE)
Man of Steel (DE)
Navalie TS (DE)
Never Ever Newport (DE)
New Born Steel (DE)
Quality Bo (DE)
Samira A.S. (DE)
Sierra S (DE)
Wim Hazelaar (DE)
Yin Yang (DE)
Zabaione Diamant (DE)
Netherlands (1)
Novato (NL)
Sweden (459)
Academy Award (SE)
Adriatica (SE)
Aileron Thrust (SE)
Al's Walqueur (SE)
Amina Wood (SE)
Appia Express (SE)
Athletic Tonga (SE)
Atlas A'lir (SE)
Babylon Sister (SE)
Bagheera Montana (SE)
Barn Ready (SE)
Baron Tilly (SE)
Bear High (SE)
Big Little Man (SE)
Billy the Bronco (SE)
Blast Pad (SE)
Blaze Gold (SE)
Boost Lane (SE)
Boozegunner (SE)
Boreas (SE)
Borups Butterfly (SE)
Boscha Diablo (SE)
Bottnas Kickdown (SE)
Bottnas Victory (SE)
Bouquet Brodde (SE)
Brie de Meaux (SE)
Brilliant Tilly (SE)
Bys Googoo Star (SE)
Bys Snowflake (SE)
Can Paixano (SE)
Candy's Room (SE)
Capitano Z. (SE)
Capo Face (SE)
Caughtredhanded (SE)
Chaplin (SE)
Charlie Laross (SE)
Charly's Magic (SE)
Cheque Face (SE)
Cherokee Face (SE)
Churchill Face (SE)
Clean Table (SE)
Cleopatra Face (SE)
Com Isidor (SE)
Com Rolf (SE)
Competivo (SE)
Conan Smartface (SE)
Countess Face (SE)
Crowd Surfer (SE)
Cyouintroublemaj (SE)
Daim Brodda (SE)
Danceinthedark F. (SE)
Daphne T.M. (SE)
Dayboy (SE)
De Chambeau (SE)
Dekurion (SE)
Diamond Dana (SE)
Dicks Dollar (SE)
Dirty Sweet (SE)
Diva Lane (SE)
Divorce de Marlen (SE)
Don't Thell Me (SE)
Dream Combo (SE)
Eddard Karma (SE)
Edit Tourraj (SE)
Egyptian Kronos (SE)
Elegance Kronos (SE)
Ellen Diablo (SE)
Eminent Kronos (SE)
Engine Kronos (SE)
Enjoy Beaufort (SE)
Enzo Dimanche (SE)
Epic Kronos (SE)
Eric Banker (SE)
Esquire Kronos (SE)
Evoque Kronos (SE)
Exploit Kronos (SE)
Exposed Sox (SE)
Express Cash (SE)
Eyewink Kronos (SE)
F.B.I. (SE)
Fabulicious (SE)
Facetime Love (SE)
Fanfar (SE)
Farandole (SE)
Faraone (SE)
Farina (SE)
Fashion Monger (SE)
Fashionista (SE)
Fast and Furious (SE)
Fast Delivery (SE)
Fast Food (SE)
Fearless Girl (SE)
Feel No Pain (SE)
Fernet Branca (SE)
Festival (SE)
Fiddle Faddle (SE)
Fiftyfour (SE)
Fiji Princess (SE)
Final Approach (SE)
Finest Russian* (SE)
Fingers Crossed (SE)
Fiona (SE)
First Ray of Sun (SE)
Fish Story (SE)
Flaming Lips (SE)
Flaps Out (SE)
Flip Flop (SE)
Floating Garnish (SE)
Floreat Mews (SE)
Floribunda (SE)
Flotilla (SE)
Fly By (SE)
Flying Drumsticks (SE)
Flying Fortress (SE)
Fniss (SE)
For Pleasure Only (SE)
For Real (SE)
For Sure Aldebaran (SE)
Forbidden to Rest (SE)
Forehand (SE)
Foreign Affairs (SE)
Foremost (SE)
Forget it Not (SE)
Four Quick Feet (SE)
Freako (SE)
Freddan J.E. (SE)
Free Bar (SE)
Free on Board (SE)
Free to Ask (SE)
FriendofthePhantom (SE)
From The Hip (SE)
Frustration (SE)
Full Speed Forward (SE)
Funcia (SE)
Furst Igor (SE)
Furstinnan Grace (SE)
Gapminder Pellini (SE)
Global Easy Going (SE)
Global Edge (SE)
Global Empire (SE)
Global Empress (SE)
Global Endurance (SE)
Global Enjoy (SE)
Global Equity (SE)
Global Erotic (SE)
Global Escape (SE)
Global Everglow (SE)
Global Everlasting (SE)
Global Evidence (SE)
Global Excellence (SE)
Global Exchange (SE)
Global Expensive (SE)
Global Eye Candy (SE)
Gloria (SE)
Glowing Star (SE)
Go Hard or Go Home (SE)
Goldsmith (SE)
Googoo Pearl (SE)
Great Buster (SE)
Haley Zet (SE)
Hall of Fame (SE)
Hands Up Pellini (SE)
Hank Parker (SE)
Hankypanky Marylou (SE)
Head Zet (SE)
Heavenly Zet (SE)
Heja Ha (SE)
Herakles Zet (SE)
High Five F. (SE)
Hilarious Zet (SE)
Holcombe Zet (SE)
Hold My Beer (SE)
Homemade Pudding (SE)
Honey Money (SE)
Hoohoo Haahaa (SE)
Hotwing Wania (SE)
Howitends W.F. (SE)
Huron Bro (SE)
Iknowyouwantme (SE)
Illuminati I.H. (SE)
Imperial Manners (SE)
In Real Life (SE)
Indiana Sotto (SE)
It's About Time (SE)
J.M.'s Caviar (SE)
Jewellery Rain (SE)
Jobiline Ridge (SE)
John Carpenter (SE)
Jole Blon (SE)
Ka Boom Mearas (SE)
Kadabra Sisu (SE)
Kai Tak (SE)
Kalamanzi Mearas (SE)
Kalypto Racing (SE)
Kambi (SE)
Kamomill Sisu (SE)
Kanaka (SE)
Kang the Cruel (SE)
Kapucine d'Inverne (SE)
Karma Mearas (SE)
Kash Smart (SE)
Katana'em (SE)
Katiusja (SE)
Katmandu Mearas (SE)
Katzenjammer (SE)
Kayleigh (SE)
Kearny (SE)
Kendall Sisu (SE)
Kenobi Mearas (SE)
Keyword (SE)
Kid in America (SE)
Kikimora K. (SE)
Kilgore (SE)
Killer Kajoo (SE)
Killing Pace (SE)
Kim Novak (SE)
Kim Peek (SE)
Kim Wilde (SE)
Kind of Blue (SE)
Kinematic (SE)
King Zorro (SE)
KingExclusive Sisu (SE)
Kinglet Bird (SE)
Kipketer Mearas (SE)
Kismet K. (SE)
Kiss Me Sisu (SE)
Kitalpha (SE)
Kitty Hawk (SE)
Kiwee (SE)
Kiwi Sisu (SE)
Knickers Sisu (SE)
Knock Out Mearas (SE)
Knockout Charlie (SE)
Knut Rapid (SE)
Ko Samui (SE)
Kojak Sisu (SE)
Kokoon (SE)
Kon Tiki Mearas (SE)
Kong Venience (SE)
Konge Svane (SE)
Konstantia Sisu (SE)
Konstapel Sisu (SE)
Koriander Sisu (SE)
Kudos Kazoo (SE)
Kuiper (SE)
Kurtz (SE)
Lara Barosso (SE)
Larah Westwood (SE)
Last Born (SE)
Leonardo Silvåkra (SE)
Let Me In (SE)
Light In (SE)
Limonata Pellini (SE)
Liston (SE)
Lo Diablo (SE)
Loaded Vilda (SE)
Loke Sancy Diamond (SE)
Loveletter In (SE)
Luke Combs (SE)
Luna Barosso (SE)
M.T. Tyra Banks (SE)
Macahan (SE)
Macao Keeper (SE)
Mackinac Bro (SE)
Macmcmanaman (SE)
Maco Toro (SE)
Magic Cider (SE)
Magic Powers (SE)
Make Or Break Zaz (SE)
Makeitadream (SE)
Malala Yousafzai (SE)
Malla Speed (SE)
Mamba Forever V.S. (SE)
Mandrill Kuce (SE)
Maranichi (SE)
Maroon Day (SE)
Martha Diablo (SE)
Martina (SE)
Mary River (SE)
Mcllroy (SE)
Mellby Lambada (SE)
Mellby Latte (SE)
Mellby Layout (SE)
Mellby Legacy (SE)
Mellby Levy (SE)
Mellby Lilja (SE)
Mellby Lion (SE)
Mellby Litchi (SE)
Mellby Lovely (SE)
Mellby Lucky (SE)
Mellby Lumumba (SE)
Mellby Luna (SE)
Mellby Lurk (SE)
Mellby Lush (SE)
Melvi Wania (SE)
Millesime Wine (SE)
Million River (SE)
Miracle Mile (SE)
Mirasol (SE)
Mirchi Star (SE)
Miss Delila Alki (SE)
MissMoneyMaker (SE)
Mitzy Power (SE)
Monaco (SE)
Monticello (SE)
Mr Fantastic (SE)
Mulan (SE)
Murena (SE)
Mustang Brodde (SE)
My First Lady (SE)
Myth's Legacy (SE)
Nacido Boko (SE)
Nagambie Boko (SE)
Nalanji Boko (SE)
Naltri Boko (SE)
Namaste Boko (SE)
Nando Boko (SE)
Napoleon Boko (SE)
Nasha (SE)
Natas F. Boko (SE)
Needlefish Boko (SE)
Neeskens Boko (SE)
Nelson Greenwood (SE)
Nepenthe Boko (SE)
Nephtys Boko (SE)
Nero Boko (SE)
Nevio Boko (SE)
New Lane (SE)
Ni Hao Bros (SE)
Nightingale (SE)
Nikita Boko (SE)
Nikki Lane (SE)
Ninetta Boko (SE)
No Better Nugget (SE)
No Carrots For You (SE)
Noah Boko (SE)
Noche del Amor (SE)
Noelle Boko (SE)
Nolana Boko (SE)
Norah W.Boko (SE)
Normandie (SE)
Noronha Boko (SE)
Nyassa Boko (SE)
Observe'em (SE)
Obsess'em (SE)
Occhipinti (SE)
Optimum Relight (SE)
Our Pride (SE)
Overload'em (SE)
Paris Time Trot (SE)
Patriot Zon (SE)
Patton (SE)
Peace Dove (SE)
Pearl Lane (SE)
Pedal to d'Metal (SE)
Pelas Kokeshi (SE)
Pigge Diablo (SE)
Poker Lane (SE)
Pommery (SE)
Poppel (SE)
Pure Cartier (SE)
Pure Chapter (SE)
Pure Diamond (SE)
Pure Joy (SE)
Pure Steel (SE)
Pure Tactic (SE)
Quadriofoglio (SE)
Quarcia Bo (SE)
Queen Heuvelland (SE)
Queen Håleryd (SE)
Queen of the Night (SE)
Question Bo (SE)
Quick Bo (SE)
R.K.Beagle (SE)
Raven (SE)
Re Dox Magic (SE)
Re Express (SE)
Re Union (SE)
Readly Cash (SE)
Red Riddle (SE)
Red Rosa (SE)
Restricted Edition (SE)
Roger More (SE)
Roq'n Roll (SE)
Runs in the Family (SE)
Safety Tile (SE)
Sakima T.H. (SE)
Sandy at the Beach (SE)
Sara J.E. (SE)
Savastano (SE)
Savile Row (SE)
SeetheSummit (SE)
Semifreddo S.F. (SE)
Sensitive Tile (SE)
Serpico (SE)
Sherman (SE)
Silfverbielke (SE)
Snickers (SE)
Sodasquare (SE)
Sonesta (SE)
Sopra Sotto (SE)
Sopraventa (SE)
Starboss Tommasi (SE)
Stardust (SE)
Staro Romeo (SE)
Steady King (SE)
Stens Cullinan (SE)
Stens Rebell (SE)
Stens Rubin (SE)
Sterbik (SE)
Super Frasse (SE)
Supernova Lyjam (SE)
Supreme Success (SE)
Sweet Day (SE)
Take This Waltz (SE)
Taktik (SE)
Tantris (SE)
The Big Hope (SE)
The Box (SE)
The Queen is Back (SE)
Therideofalifetime (SE)
Tiesto (SE)
Timotejs Mona (SE)
Tino Barosso (SE)
Top Leader (SE)
Tour de Valley (SE)
Trixwithtrimmix (SE)
True Exception (SE)
True Lies (SE)
Turmfalke (SE)
Uncle P.O. (SE)
Vanilla Southwind (SE)
Vassa Re (SE)
Vegas Wania (SE)
Victory Ares (SE)
Victory Hermes (SE)
Victory Vulcanus (SE)
Vikens Bonjour (SE)
Vikens Daytime (SE)
Viking Lane (SE)
Vilda Tilde (SE)
Vivienne Tif (SE)
Västerbo M.A.S.H. (SE)
Wanderlust Pellini (SE)
Warhol (SE)
Where Eagles Dare (SE)
Windforce (SE)
Wish Me Southwind (SE)
World of Metalimo (SE)
Wuhan Skift (SE)
Xanthis Ibiza (SE)
Xanthis Illusion (SE)
Ytowns Dragon (SE)
Ytowns Magnifik (SE)
Zaramama (SE)
Zickan (SE)
Zickzack Zack (SE)
Önas Sabina (SE)
Önas Servess (SE)
Norway (3)
Kaforen I.D. (NO)
Maradona B.R. (NO)
Vallatakter (NO)