Race condition horses born 2022

The racing series Breeders Course is organized by European Standardbred AB, jurisdiction Malmö, Sverige.

The date of entry is the day of payment and the entry fee must be wired to the European Standardbreds AB bank account not later than this day. For Swedish horses it's simply to register your horse by your user account on travsport.se by 31 October. You will then be billed by Swedish Travsport in November.
In order for a horse to be eligible the nomination fee to Bankgiro 288-8808 or   IBAN: SE9880000821492376787517. Swift: SWEDSESS 


2-year old races
1 st Entry: 30/11 2023 660 kr / 60 € (incl. 6% tax).
2 nd Entry: 28/2 2024 2.475 kr / 225 € (incl. 6% tax).
3 rd Entry: 31/5 2024 4.950 kr / 450 € (incl. 6% tax).

3-year old races
1 st Entry: 30/11 2023 660 kr / 60 € (incl. 6% tax).
2 nd Entry: 31/10 2024 3.300 kr / 300 € (incl. 6% tax).
3 rd Entry: 31/1 2025 5.500 kr / 500 € (incl. 6% tax).

Starting fee: According to the rules of each track concerning stakes races.


Declaration to start must be done to each individual track which independently will inform about the declaration times. OBS! The number of series races/elimination is depending on the number of horses declared to race. A maximum of two eliminations at each track. Should two eliminations be necessary the purse money is to split into two equal purses. If the number of declared horses exceed the number of horses allowed to race, horses will be rejected according to local regulations. Below the breakdown of the qualification modus.  

First Final:

Horses                     Number of                          Qualified horses
declared                  eliminations                      from each elimination
   1-12                         1                                            2
 13-24                        2                                           1

Second Final:

Horses                     Number of                          Qualified horses
declared                  eliminations                      from each elimination
   1-10                         1                                            2
 11-20                         2                                           1


Breeders Course for 2 and 3 year old horses will consist of a maximum of 3 eliminations. The two (2) first finishers from each elimination are qualified for the final which will have a maximum of 12 horses (10 for the 3 yo second final). Except the six horses that qualify for the final in the three eliminations, there will be four or six horses taken out of points. Alla Breeders Course-finaler körs som Gr I eller II. Det är separata uttagningslopp samt finaler för ston respektive hingstar/valacker med samma prissumma.


If an elimination is split into two races, the two winners are qualified for the final. A horse is not allowed to participate in an elimination or the final if the fees not is paid. Breeders Course reserves the right to, in consultation with Swedish Trottings Association, interpret the rules for participation in the final. A horse is allowed to participate in more than one elimination subject to availability. It is always priority for horses that not started in any elimination.


Drawings to the final is as follows:

The winners of the eliminations at Jägersro, Solvalla and Italy choose numbers first in the final (lots are drawn between the three winners who pick first, second and third). For the other horses it will be a regular computer draw.

Should a qualified horse refrain from participating in the final we fill up with horses according to points when registering for the final.

Breeders Course reserves the right to, in consultation with Swedish Trottings Association, interpret the rules for participation in the final. 


• In the case a question cannot be answered according to the above regulations, European Standardbred AB and Svensk Travsport (ST) will decide how to interpret the rules in common.
• European Standardbred AB and Jägersro together with Svensk Travsport has the right to take necessary decisions in order to secure the performance of the race.
• In the unlikely case that a lack of entries will not allow the eliminations/final to be held, all entries will be reimbursed. European Standardbred AB reserves the right to decide about the lowest acceptable number of nominations.
• Tax is calculated due to the current Swedish tax rate of 6%.

• Breeding premiums accrue to Swedish-born horses in accordance with ST's rules.